Giving Back to Our Community

Giving Back to Our Community

Are You a Non-Profit looking to provide your community with creative programming and creating a  revenue stream?

Look no further. We are all in this together.  “Out of crisis comes community.” We are offering Non-Profits  a way to provide your members  with creative programming while raising funds for your organization. Simply offer your members a way to write their life story, find connection with others in a small group, and leave a legacy for posterity. Receive a significant percentage of the fees for the class with minimal amount of effort.

Writing With Purpose

Members of your organization can learn to write their memoir or autobiography through live online courses or workshops. Leigh Morrow (Retired Canadian broadcast journalist with decades of writing experience, bio here) and Lily Bengfort, (bio here,) certified guided autobiography instructors will use Zoom online conferencing platform to teach and interact with students who will share their stories. Your only requirement is sending out the information to your membership and advertising it. You have the option to handle registration yourself or let us handle it for you. This is a great revenue stream for your non-profit and a perfect way to involve your community as the interest in this subject is currently very high.

We provide an inspiring and supportive environment to participants using proven, engaging exercises, priming questions and life themes to spark creativity, self awareness and memory recall to help them start writing their autobiography. No previous writing experience is necessary, but most participants do find their writing skills improve! All you need is a computer or smart phone. For many these life stories provide a legacy or history for their children or grandchildren and those who follow. For others it is a tool for reflection on their life and their milestones. In this information age, we have lost the art of storytelling. Guided Autobiography provides a unique way for all of us to start on that life story project that seems so daunting to begin. We write our life story so we can make sense of our lives while leaving something behind for posterity.

Fundraising With Purpose

In this time of need, we offer a silver lining. We are offering Non-Profits a significant percentage of all class sales to members. No Physical space requirements necessary. No cost of lights or other infrastructure. No volunteer recruitment or phone calls. No instructor recruitment. All you need to do is get the message out to your members. We also provide options to address various organizational membership needs below.

What Participants Say

“The response to the class was excellent-We would have been pleased to have five or six participants, and we ended up with eleven enthusiastic registrants…given that the majority of our revenue stream had evaporated due to COVID-19, we were extremely grateful for the financial boost, created by this course.” Kim P. (School of the Arts).

Read more reviews from individual participants and check out this video.

Class Offerings

  • A  6-week workshop
  • A one Day Workshop
  • A 3 Hour Introductory Class
  • A Two Day retreat

We schedule different options, dates and times to accommodate people/organizations from various locations. We have had participants from Canada, U.S. and Belize in our inaugural classes. The classes are listed by pacific / eastern time but current instructors are on the east and west coast of the U.S. and Canada as well as in Hawaii.

Please contact us here. to let us know of your interest in learning more about fundraising for your organization or if you’ve received a gift certificate. You can also email Lily directly at

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